EMS Training And Diet: A Winning Combination


EMS Training And Diet: A Winning Combination


EMS training, traditional fitness, swimming, dancing, bodybuilding and just about any type of workout you make isn’t going to be effective if the right foods aren’t part of your diet.

Let’s examine why nutrition is such a crucial part of your EMS routine and learn how to combine both into a healthy habit.


The first honest thing we need to say is that you cannot separate nutrition and EMS training. They always work together, regardless of your objectives, so pay attention to both! In fact, we like to look at losing fat and getting in shape in three parts: strength training, cardio training and nutrition. Each represents the leg of a three legged stool. Pull any of these off and just guess what happens.


Fuel your body with the right foods


Muscles are 25% protein, 75% water, and carbohydrates in the form of glycogen. Clearly, hydration is crucial for your EMS routine, but protein consumption also, no matter what! Protein is vital for building muscles, repairing muscles and body growth.

Fueling your muscles every day with the right foods is the only way to look and feel your best. If your diet is low in protein, simply consider consuming foods like fish, chicken breast, fish or egg whites at each meal.

Cut out on processed fats and refined sugars and make an enormous difference by replacing them with omega threes , lean protein sources, whole grains, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats and a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.

Fill your plate with rainbow (fruits and vegetables) everyday and enjoy the range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants these healthy products have to offer.


If by any chance you are tempted to keep a low-calorie diet and believe this is the solution to get fit and healthy, you’ll be at the risk of putting yourself at a nutritional deficit. This will make it harder for you to get into shape at your fullest potential.


Eating the right foods helps your EMS workout routine. Period. It gives you the energy required to perform exercise on a regular basis, get the most out of your EMS training and fuel your everyday performance.


Consider stocking your fridge with some of the following options:


Protein – what your muscles are made of


Poultry – chicken and turkey

Red meat – beef and lamb

Fish – salmon, codfish and tuna


Dairy – milk and yoghurt

Legumes – beans and lentils



Healthy fats – help your metabolism, increase testosterone levels, good for the brain






Ripe olives

Olive oil

Dark chocolate


Complex Carb Foods – the main source of energy for your body


Brown rice

White potatoes

Whole weat pasta

Whole weat bread



Fresh beets


Healthy snacks – fuel your body before or after an EMS training


Nut butter


Berries, grapes and oranges



Protect yourself from chronic diseases, unhealthy eating habits and increased weight gain!


  1. Instead of sugar cereals, try whole-grain ones high in fiber.
    2. Replace cookies with fruits.
  2. Choose vegetables over doughnuts.
  3. Drink plenty of water instead of soda.


Now that you know what small changes go a long way in your EMS training, it’s time to start eating healthy. It’s easier than you think!

This is our collective personal opinion, but you are welcome to disagree.

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